Its so hard to believe that its a new year! Maddy just turned 14 months old and Carson will be 3 1/2 next month! Time goes too fast for sure. Anytime I look at pictures of Carson when he was younger it makes me so sad because he is growing up so fast. I want time to slow down a bit. I want my kids to stay little forever! I always thought that Billy and I would have 3 or 4 kids but we are definitley not having any more. Our family feels complete with Carson and Madison and we have our hands so full with these two that I cant even begin to imagine adding a third. Its pretty perfect the way it is now because we are able to tag team them and Billy takes one while I take the other. If we had a third then that poor child would be on his/her own lol! Well not really but I just dont think the kids should out number the adults. I'm sure I will start to have baby fever in a few years but I just have to remind myself how hard our babies were and how Carson's future is so uncertain. I dont think it would be fair to him to have another baby because it would take me away from him even more! Anyway, not sure why I started on this topic. Its a new year and hopefully it will be a good year!!!! I'm excited to see what 2012 has in store for our family :)
sometimes I look at pictures of the kids like that and wonder where the time has gone. Seems like Leah grew before I knew it and she is now 5. Seems like between the age of 2-3 where a blur.